Friday, August 26, 2011

Thank you

I don't know if I have any words for this......WHO THE EFF IS STUPID ENOUGH TO SWIM IN A HURRICAINE????????? Wait....I think he's surfing....well ok then, that's totally ok.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fellow blogger giveaway!

Check this out!! If you are a fan of kawaii, seriously, check out this giveaway, there is some seriously cute stuff here!

Check this.....

 All of these photos are from her website :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

I wanted to give a shoutout to my chica at 'Red Means Go.' This bitch is hilarious in a big way. I kindof want to get adopted by her. Check her out!
What IS is about our mothers that drives us insane and makes us want to plunge headfirst into a pool full of massive sharks?

I have a love/hate relationship with my mom that some readers can really relate to, and others may not. So for those of you who are besties with your mum, this post may not be up your alley.

I have had problems with my mom for about 15 years. We battle on everything. Either I am too skinny, too fat, too happy, too sad, have great hair, or have shitty hair. I had my gallbladder removed during emergency surgery and while I was in total agony she critisized my eyebrows. Seriously. She doesn't want to accept my views on religion (I'm agnostic, she is  Lutheran), and she thinks she knows  what I feel, what I think, and what my dreams are. She is INSISTANT that she knows my body. Thing is, I don't confide in her, at all, becuase the woman is bat shit crazy, so it's kinda impossible to know how I feel. I have tried for so many years to try to apeal to her, and get along with her, but it just is NOT happening. I am sick of the emotional abuse,  never being able to live up to her standards.

The email that sparked this rant post was an email I recieved from her today. Mr. B and I went out for ice cream with the 'rents and I wore yoga pants, a t-shirt and no makeup. She basically told me I looked awful. Its a weekend for christs sake, I'm gonna wear sweats and a t-shirt, so sorry for not dolling up for a trip to TCBY.


emotional abuse by Images

Dear readers, if you have any advice for me, leave a comment, I would love to hear from you!

So Sorry.....

I have been a bad blogger lately.....I have so much going on right now! I know, I know, not an excuse....Mr. B and I are trying to move into a bigger apartment, get new jobs and figure out how to save some moola....such is live, I suppose....
I did a nail swatch the other day of OPI's ''Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous', and it was an epic FAIL! I did THREE coats and there was still VNL, and it was clearly streaky. I will try to post those horrid pics later tonite, as a warning to never get this polish!

Here are some cute pictures to keep your entertained....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


China Glaze Halloween 2011

The Hounds of the Morrigan

Random post about current book I'm reading. I love to go back and re-read books that I have read when I was a kid, and this book is amazing. Its written by Pat O'Shea and is about Irish folklore and mythology, and its the perfect book to snuggle in bed with a cup of chai to.

First Nail Swatch Tomorrow....

So this is whats going down....tomorrow, I will attempt to do my first nail swatch. I'm so nervous I seriously think I may lose my cookies. I am scared of all the awesome nail bloggers looking at my nails like the angry monkey on 'Family Guy'....

Creepy, no?

Anywho, I am narrowing down what color to use...something easy for my first time, ya know? Here are my thoughts.....
Here is a nice, simple red from OPI, 'Vodka and Caviar', from their Swiss Collection for Fall 2010. Simple. Classy. Hooker red.

Hot, sexy, creamy black. Goth and sleek at the same time. If I was cool, and artistic, I could think of some kind of nail art to do on this. I'm not that cool.....YET.

The next color is Sinful Color's dark forest green polish called 'Last Chance'. It is supposedly supposed to be a dream to apply, with opacity at two coats, which is hard to find in the colors.....I can't find a good picture of this....sigh.....

If I had these my life would be easier....

5 X 2 Way Marbleizing Dotting Pen Set for Nail Art Manicure Pedicure

Or these....

CHINA GLAZE Crackle Metals Set (6pcs) - One of Each Color

Or maybe I will paint my nails 20 different colors.....DAMNIT THIS IS HARD!!

Le Sigh.....

Todays post will be a little bit of a rant, or, actually, it's kindof like therapy. I get to write about my woes and irks and you get to listen! Well, read, I guess.

My biggest thing right now is that I am currently working at a job that I HATE. I am in the medical field, and am a Certified Medical Assistant. I work at an independant office and work as the CMA, office manager AND receptionist. I do everything in the office basically, and it's killing me slowly. The doctor I work for needs constant hand holding, and acts like a little child, which I HATE.

I have been trying to get out of the medical field for abot five years, but circumstances have made it nearly impossible. The job market here is awful, and I need to make a certain amount of money to survive and have food on the table.  I have been wanting to quit this hell hole and go to nail tech school, but I can't save enough money to make up for the time that I will not be working, and going to school full time. Not to mention that nail tech schools don't offer ANY financial aid. Lame in my opinion. So, I have a goal....

I started this blog to share my love of nailpolish and shiny sparkly things, and to get advice from people around the world. Hopefully in about one years time I will have saved up enough money to go to school. This is a  time to perfect my craft, and share it with you, even if my cuticles dont look fabulous! ( Hey, at least I don't photoshop!)  Also, if you would like, you could chose to adopt me and pay my way through school. HAHA! Just kidding! Or am I.....?

Anyway,  just needed to rant about work, and thank Jebus I have this blog, and all the chicas out there in the blogosphere to keep me going during the day. Seriously. Thank you :-)  Here is a virtual cupcake for you to enjoy as a sign of my gratitude.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Will be reviewing soon.....Mr. B and I will be getting this in a few short weeks!

What makes Chanel nailpolishes so expensive?

Ok guys. I need your input. For the longest time all I read about is Chanel, and how amazing thier colors are, and how they are back ordered for 6 months, and it's impossible to get your paws on a bottle of it. For the hefty price tag of $23 USD for ONE bottle of the stuff, you would think it would have magic powers, like shoot rainbows out of your fingers. Lets take for example the much talked about Chanel 'Paradoxal', from their 2010 line. Lets take a look...

Huh.....well, it's purple....and shiny....and in a, why is this backordered again? Is it just because of the name? Or, if you are not made out of money, you can spend $6 USD on Revlon Perplex, and get the EXACT SAME COLOR.

I have heard from many a blogger that the Chanel polish does NOT shoot rainbows out of thier fingers, and thus I will not be purchasing this rectangle bottle any time soon. Also, this post makes me wonder if Captain Planet would have been a more effective show if it went something like this.... "Earth! Wind! Fire! RAINBOW!!!'
I'm not afraid to give a shout out to some of my all time favorite blogs that I follow. I admire these chicks and they inspired me to start my own blog. The one I want to feature today is Mental for Polish. This gal lives in sunny Singapore and has some of the coolest nail designs EVER. Seriously, I don't understand how she does it, PLUS her nails are real, which I think is ten times harder to accomplish than slapping on acrylics. Check out her blog!

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark - Official Trailer


I ran across this fantanstically yummy China Glaze polish on Amazon recently and I have. to. have. it. NOW. I love weird nail polish colors, and I love the name, 'Zombie Zest'. I believe it is from the Halloween 2010 collection. How f-ing cool is that? Plus, I am obsessed with zombies, killing zombies, Halloween, and green. Oh, and glitter. And China Glaze. I will swap polishes for this! The other amazing colors are 'Mummy May I', a purple glitter bomb, and 'Ick-A-Body', a burnt orangy-black glitter bomb. WANT!

Muppets Winter Collection OPI 2011

This. Is. Amazing. I heard a rumor a few months ago that OPI was releasing a Muppets Collection for Winter 2011, in correlation with the new Muppets movie that is being released with Amy Adams and Jason Segal and the gang this Christmas. I LOVE the Muppets and this collection looks like a definate winner. The fact that there are at least six vibrant glitter polishes comepletely won me over. Get a load of these names:
Wocka Wocka!
Pepe’s Purple Paassion
Designer…de Better!
Warm & Fozzie
Rainbow Connection
Excuse Moi!
Gone Gonzo!
Fresh Frog of Bel Air
Divine Swine
Gettin’ Miss Piggy With It!

opi muppets mini set

I can't wait to get my paws on these!

This is Boo. He has over 1 million followers on Facesmack. He is real, and not a toy. However....He does have a fluffy marshmallow center and he shits glitter and confettii. Your welcome.


So this is first post....awkward *shifts in chair*....OK! Well, the main reason I am starting a blog is to share with you my love of all things nail polish, games (Xbox 360 to be exact) and just random thoughts that come to cupcakes....nom nom.....I will try to swatch nail polish for y'all, but keep in mind I am NOT a professional, and it may look bad, so don't judge me too harshly. Feel free to comment on posts, or email me, I would love to share tips of the trade. Also, about the gaming, I have been a die hard fan of those little boxes of happiness since I was four. Seriously. So yeah, I will have some game reviews. Yeah! Ok, thats all for now....I will probably be posting a ton....and will get pictures up here!