Monday, August 22, 2011

What IS is about our mothers that drives us insane and makes us want to plunge headfirst into a pool full of massive sharks?

I have a love/hate relationship with my mom that some readers can really relate to, and others may not. So for those of you who are besties with your mum, this post may not be up your alley.

I have had problems with my mom for about 15 years. We battle on everything. Either I am too skinny, too fat, too happy, too sad, have great hair, or have shitty hair. I had my gallbladder removed during emergency surgery and while I was in total agony she critisized my eyebrows. Seriously. She doesn't want to accept my views on religion (I'm agnostic, she is  Lutheran), and she thinks she knows  what I feel, what I think, and what my dreams are. She is INSISTANT that she knows my body. Thing is, I don't confide in her, at all, becuase the woman is bat shit crazy, so it's kinda impossible to know how I feel. I have tried for so many years to try to apeal to her, and get along with her, but it just is NOT happening. I am sick of the emotional abuse,  never being able to live up to her standards.

The email that sparked this rant post was an email I recieved from her today. Mr. B and I went out for ice cream with the 'rents and I wore yoga pants, a t-shirt and no makeup. She basically told me I looked awful. Its a weekend for christs sake, I'm gonna wear sweats and a t-shirt, so sorry for not dolling up for a trip to TCBY.


emotional abuse by Images

Dear readers, if you have any advice for me, leave a comment, I would love to hear from you!

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