Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Le Sigh.....

Todays post will be a little bit of a rant, or, actually, it's kindof like therapy. I get to write about my woes and irks and you get to listen! Well, read, I guess.

My biggest thing right now is that I am currently working at a job that I HATE. I am in the medical field, and am a Certified Medical Assistant. I work at an independant office and work as the CMA, office manager AND receptionist. I do everything in the office basically, and it's killing me slowly. The doctor I work for needs constant hand holding, and acts like a little child, which I HATE.

I have been trying to get out of the medical field for abot five years, but circumstances have made it nearly impossible. The job market here is awful, and I need to make a certain amount of money to survive and have food on the table.  I have been wanting to quit this hell hole and go to nail tech school, but I can't save enough money to make up for the time that I will not be working, and going to school full time. Not to mention that nail tech schools don't offer ANY financial aid. Lame in my opinion. So, I have a goal....

I started this blog to share my love of nailpolish and shiny sparkly things, and to get advice from people around the world. Hopefully in about one years time I will have saved up enough money to go to school. This is a  time to perfect my craft, and share it with you, even if my cuticles dont look fabulous! ( Hey, at least I don't photoshop!)  Also, if you would like, you could chose to adopt me and pay my way through school. HAHA! Just kidding! Or am I.....?

Anyway,  just needed to rant about work, and thank Jebus I have this blog, and all the chicas out there in the blogosphere to keep me going during the day. Seriously. Thank you :-)  Here is a virtual cupcake for you to enjoy as a sign of my gratitude.

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